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Joining a sorority in college is a life-changing experience, but garnering an education is the top priority for Kappa. This is why each chapter is expected to maintain academic standards equal to or higher than their university’s or college’s all-sorority GPA. Additionally, each chapter establishes a GPA requirement for active members. 

If a Kappa struggles academically, we help her through it. The Academic Excellence Team meets with her to craft an improvement plan using study tactics and time management. We want each sister to leave college with what they came for: a degree.

Academics are very important to Kappa Kappa Gamma. Strong academics are promoted through our Academic Committee, study rooms, incentivizing good grades, promoting study tips and most importantly recognizing we’re students first and kappas second. Hard work and achievement are celebrated in chapter with an "A of the Week" award as well as an "A of the Month" award. This award is given to a well-deserved member who received the highest amount of A's on tests and projects. Every Kappa is bright, talented and capable. Multiple members of Epsilon Mu graduated as valedictorians of their high school, several are on scholarship here at Clemson, many have skipped grades and the majority maintain above a "B+" average. Quite a few Kappas go on to graduate and law school, but all go on to be successful in their careers and future endeavors.